
19th Annual Charity Bazaar of International Women`s Club of Sofia


The 19th Annual Charity Bazaar of International Women`s club of Sofia will take place on 1st of December, Sunday, in Inter Expo Center.

The Bazaar presents a day full of temptations (food, beverages, toys, gifts, jewelries, souvenirs, cosmetics, etc.) and entertainment from all around the world and it serves as the major source of funding for the IWC’s Foundation charity projects which allows educational, social, health and training programs throughout Bulgaria to be supported.

The Annual Charity Bazaar is the result of the active involvement of the international and diplomatic community in Bulgaria and of 100% volunteer efforts of hundreds of people from different nationalities as well as the generosity of local and international business.

More than 8000 people attended the IWC Charity Bazaar last year with money raised over 325,000,00 BGN making the 2012 Bazaar edition the most successful one in its history so far.

The IWC Charity Bazaar 2013 will have 61 stalls of which 40 country stalls (representing 45 countries), 8 charity stalls (stalls of organizations IWC Charity Foundation is supporting) as well as Toys Stall, Clothes Stall, Books Stall, workshop area, children corners (one in each Bazaar hall). On the stage situated in hall 4 throughout the Bazaar day dances and concerts will take place with international artists participating.

The Bazaar doors will open at 10.30 am and the first visitors will be welcomed by the music of Sofia Brass Orchestra with conductor Yuly Damyanov.

19th Annual Charity Bazaar Guest of Honour is the famous Bulgarian jazz singer Hilda Kazasyan who will give official start of the event by cutting the Bazaar`s ribbon.

In colaboration with the packaging waste recovery organization Ecopack IWC Charity Bazaar 2013 will turn into a green point. Both in halls 3 and 4 of Inter Expo Center where the

Bazaar takes place a recycle system for paper, plastic and glass will be organized. Bags for separate waste collection will be distributed to all the stallholders.

19th Annual Charity Bazaar happens with the partnership of Sofia Municipality.

Tickets presale: Art Point of Sofia, Mall of Sofia, parter.

IWC Charity Bazaar Ticket Price: 3 BGN

Free entrance: children up to 12 years old and people 60 +.

For more information: Elisaveta Petrusheva 0898 707 777

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